A library and Allied facilities Centre for Senior Citizens in City Park, Sector-68, Mohali was inaugurated on 1st November, 2010 by the Chief Administrator, GMADA. The centre is fully equipped with books, journals, news papers, various indoor games and a computer centre for the benefit of Senior Citizens. This has become a full fledged centre for the various activities of the Association.
1.0 Social Welfare
(a) Medical Camps
Every year a number of Free Medical Camps in Mohali and in the adjoining villages Viz Balongi, Saidpur were organized for the benefit of elderly people and the inmates of the villages. Over 2500 persons have been provided general medicine, dental, bone density tests and eye check up by the specialists in their respective fields. Free eye check up camp was organized at Village Saidpur for the students of Govt. Elementary School considering the need for early detection of any eye problem for this age group. The necessary spectacles for the needy children were arranged by MSCA, free of any charge.
(b) Health Education & Awareness Programme
i) A special lecture is being organized on monthly basis at Fortis Hospital Sector-62, Mohali by the renowned specialists of the Hospital covering various subjects like Cardiology, Urology, Cancer, neuro-problems and various other issues relating to the ailments of elderly persons.
ii) a special lecture is also being organized with effect from July, 2012 at Max Hospital, Phase, 6, Mohali by the Specialists of the hospital covering various subjects relating to old age problems.
(c) Medical Sewa
Free medical sewa for the benefit of Senior Citizens, at LAF Centre, Sector-68, is being provided on every Wednesday in the evening by our own specialists Dr (Mrs.) Jasbir Kaur, Dr. Dalbir Singh & Dr. R.K. Sharma in the field of General medicine and Eyes (started from 18th May, 2011). Free medicines are also being issued to the patients as prescribed by the doctors.
(d) General Awareness
A programme of lectures on the subjects of special interest like Consumer Forum, Right to Information Act, Income Tax, Home Gardening and Landscaping etc. is being organized on last Saturday of every month at LAF Centre, Sector-68 for the benefit of our members and other senior citizens.
1.1 Computer Learning & Information Dissemination Centre
To keep our members updated with the latest technology of Computers, a Computer Learning Centre has been started from 1st Sept. 2008 at our MSCA office, Community Centre, Phase-7, Mohali. The Centre was formerly inaugurated on 7th September 2008 by Sh. V.P. Singh, IAS, Chief Administrator, GMADA, Mohali. The training is imparted in the field of Computer Basics and Internet use for a duration of two months. The response to this course is very encouraging and our members are keen to avail the opportunity at the earliest. With the addition of new computers and more facilities, the computer centre has been shifted to LAF centre, Sector-68 from 1st May, 2011. Besides our members non-members senior citizens and ladies have been allowed to join this course on “First come, first served basis”. Till date, over 650 beneficiaries have availed this opportunity and making use of this learning in their day to day routine work.
This has been extended and taken up as a project under Computer Learning and Information Dissemination for Senior Citizens and women of any age with sanction and a generous grant from the social security Directorate of Punjab Government.
1.2 Fellowship
(a) Member Get-together
Regular Bi-monthly mel-milap of the members are being held for interaction to provide entertainment and keeping the members in good humour. The meeting is held on 1st Tuesday of every month at Community Centre Hall, Phase-7 and 3rd Saturday at Shivalik Public School, Phase-6, Mohali. Picnics are being organized on regular basis through-out the year at places of ambience and serenic environment with large and active participation from the members.
(b) Visits & Tours
Our members have visited many countries including Nepal, Thiland, Srilanka, China, Bhutan Etc. Hon’ble Prime Minister of Nepal welcomed and honoured our members.
Our members also visited Kerala, Kashmir & Shimla
Our members visited religious places like Anandpur Sahib, Hazur Sahib and Baru Sahib.
(c) Visit of Nepalese Delegation
A team of 12 Senior Citizens representing National Senior Citizens Organization, Network, Nepal led by Dr. G.S. Lal Das was with us from 6th Dec. to 14th December 2010. They were given a warm welcome, generous hospitality and stay by President MSCA and a group of our Association Members. They were taken to various places in chandigarh and Golden Temple, Jallianwala bagh, Waga Border at Amritsar. The delegation left Mohali expressing their heartfelt thanks and gratitude towards our Association.
1.3 Communication
the monthly News-letter “The Glorious Years” being published by the Association has proved to be a strong line of communication among the members. Over the years, there has been a substantial improvement in its quality and contents including multi-coloured printing. All the members eagerly wait for this print.
2. mohali senior citizens month
The month of October (w.e.f. 2007) is being celebrated as Mohali senior Citizens Month. The programme includes visit to various charitable homes for differently unabled persons for Mel-Milap and to establish a rapport with the inmates, organizing a number of medical camps in the nearby villages of Mohali, variety of cultural events for the members and their children/ grand children.
3. senior citizen’s day celebration
A grand function to celebrate the Senior Citizen’s day started from Oct, 2010, was organized on 9th Oct, 2011 at Shivalik Public School, Phase-6, Mohali by MSCA with the Support and active participation of District Social Security Office, Mohali Sh. Gurkirat Kirpal singh, I.A.S, Director Social Security, Women & Child Development, Punjab, graced the occasion as Chief Guest of the function. 15 senior citizens including 5 old age pensioners were honoured for their dedication and valuable contribution in the various fields of activities. This was followed by a colourful cultural programme. This is being organized every year during the month of October.
4. Sports tournament
For the first time MSCA organised a sports tournament from 16th April to 20th April, 2011 for our members at Shivalik Public School, Phase-6, and LAF Centre, Sector 68. Badminton, Table Tennis, Chess and carom competition were held. The response to all the games was very encouraging with large number of participation from our members. This tournament was also held during March 2012 and is being held every year as a regular activity of the Association.
5. NATIONAL DAY celebration
Republic Day Function is being celebrated every year on 26th January, (Stared from 2010) at family level at Amphi Theater Sector 68. The national flag is unfurled by President MSCA, followed by mass singing of National Anthem. A well packed theatre witnessed the grand show of patriotic songs, poems, speeches and dances etc. Independence Day Function was also organized on 15 August, 2012 at Diplast Farm Dapar. A large no. of our members and students of rural primary schools participated in this event.
6. Annual Day Function
Every year Annual Function of MSCA is being organized on a grand scale in the Auditorium of Shivalik Public School, Phase-6, Mohali. Besides a Gala Cultural programme, honouring the octogenarians members of the Association, Souvenir/ members Directory is released on the occasion.
7. P.H. Vaishnav memorial seminar
To commemorate the birth anniversary of Late P.H. Vaishnav, founder Chairman of MSCA, Memorial Seminar is being organised in the month December (Starting from 2009) Issues of social interest like water conservation, Global warming etc. were discussed by renowned and eminent speakers from their specialized fields with active interaction from the participants. Essay competition was held on the subject amongst the students of Govt. Schools. Meritorious students and winners of the essay competition were awarded.
8. Launching of fedsen – punjab
A grand function was organized by MSCA on 30th January 2010 at Shivalik Public School, Phase-6, Mohali to formally launch the Federation of Senior Citizens Associations, Punjab by S. Parkash Singh Badal, Hon’ble Chief Minister, Punjab. The logo of Fedsen Punjab was unveiled and the first Souvenir of Fedsen Punjab was released by the Hon’ble Chief Minister on the occasion.
The Association has been regularly conducting the election of the Governing Body after every two years as per the provision of the Constitution of MSCA. The last election was conducted during August 2013 to constitute the Governing Body (2013-2015) of the Association. The election was arranged and conducted in a very systematic and peaceful manner under the overall guidance of the Presiding Officer Col. P.S. Narula.