Aims and Objectives
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES:- The Association shall have the following aims:-
(i) To forge fraternity and close contacts amongst Members and to promote fellow-feelings of goodwill, co-operation and mutual service.
(ii) To promote national integration, secular and democratic feelings.
(iii) To promote the cause of human dignity and social justice.
(iv) To render sincere service for common cause and to achieve and uphold lofty values of life.
(v) To strive for providing moral, physical, financial and medical assistance to the needy, poor and destitute, such as aged, orphans, widows and students etc. without any distinction-of sex, caste, colour creed, religion or politics .
(vi) To cooperate, federate or affiliate and exchange delegations with any other organizations having similar aims and objectives both inside and outside the country.
(vi) To pursue the objects incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the above aims.
(vii) To establish Day-Care Centre, Club and Old Age Home for those who are found to be really deserving and call for exclusive attention of the Association.
(viii) To strive to minimize the strain on the minds of the Members, by making adequate provisions in the shape of Club (with indoor games, reading room), get-to-gathers and outings.
(ix) To rivet together Members from all walks of life, all lines of intellect, religious/ moral learning and craving for – social service, by organizing discussions, where Members, may freely disseminate their ideals and knowledge to others and assimilate new ideas by mutual deliberations.
(x) To organize seminars and meetings and invite therein prominent personalities who may enlighten the Members with their candid views and ideologies on varied aspects of life, so as to boost the morale of the Elders.