MEMBERSHIP:- There shall be following type of Members:-
(i) LIFE MEMBER:- Any person, who has attained the age of 60 years or above and either retired or in service on any post in any Department of Government — either Civil or Defence, Semi-Government, Quasi- Government or any other Undertaking or Firm/ Company or a person belonging to any profession e.g. Medical, Engineering, Banking, Accountancy etc., or is self employed or in any Business or Industry etc. and residing in district SAS Nagar or in Chandigarh, shall be eligible to become a Life Member of the Association.
(ii) ASSOCIATE MEMBER: – Any persons above the age of 55 years but below 60 years, and residing in .district SAS Nagar or in Chandigarh, may be admitted as an Associate Member of the Association. The Associate Member will get the voting right on attaining the age of 60 years.
(iii) HONORARY MEMBERS:- Governing Body, with the approval of the General Body, may nominate/Co-opt as Honorary Members (of the Association), the Representatives or Office bearers of other like minded Organizations with which it may have Fraternal Relations nr such prominent persons as are deemed appropriate, for promotion of Aims & Objects of the Association, within the limits of 10% of total Membership, but without any age bar. Elderly persons of the age above 85 years, may become Honorary Members without payment of any subscription fee.”
(iv) EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS:- Representatives of various Branches & Affiliated Organisations shall be Ex-officio Members of the Governing Body at the rate of one Representative for every 50 Members- including Secretary and/or President of the Branch/Affiliate.
(i) Every one desirous to join the Association, shall have to fill the prescribed form for being enrolled as such.
(ii) There shall be no restriction of age for the Spouse of the Life Member / Associate Member for admission as Associate Member.
a) LIFE MEMBERSHIP:- Every Member, whether Life Member or Associate Member of the Association, shall pay a Life Membership of Rs.3000.00 for self & Rs.2000.00 for the spouse at the time of joining the Association.
b) AFFILIATION FEE:- Affiliation Fee for the Branches of the Association, shall be 10% of Life Membership thereof; and Rs.500.00 per annum for other organizations of Senior Citizens affiliated to it.
c) Membership once paid shall not be refunded.
d) Membership Subscription may be changed by the Governing Body with the approval of the General Body.